Tuesday, January 28, 2014


In my 20 plus years of ministry, I have come to the understanding that ministry is all about the interruptions. While I try to plan my schedule for the day or the week, spacing things out so I have time for sermon preparation, meetings, visits, articles to write, planning for the coming weeks, administrative issues and more, I know the schedule will change. Things can and will come up that are not expected. You cannot schedule it or know when it might come about. All you can do is accept it, face it, and make adjustments along the way. 

Just this past weekend, after Saturday Night worship, I went home for dinner, then Lisa and I sat down to watch a TV show we had taped earlier in the week. The phone rang - the emergency line at church. A member of the church was in critical condition at the hospital, and the family wondering if someone might stop by for a visit.

Yes, of course. I am on my way.

Let me say here that I consider myself blessed to have a wonderful, understanding wife who knows when the call comes, her husband must go. We both understand what it is like to be in those situations where a pastoral presence is appreciated. I go with her blessing. I thank God for her understanding and support.

So I made my way to the hospital to visit a member of the church in his final hours here with us. I am glad I had the opportunity to visit with him and his family, to pray with them, and to share the good news of God's promises with them. We visited again the next day, and late Sunday night, he passed away. I am so thankful I had the time to visit with him in those last few hours.

No, it is not what I had planned on this past weekend. But as I said, ministry is all about the interruptions. The family shared with me that they knew I was busy at church, since we are in the transition process and I am the only full time pastor on staff. So they were concerned that they would be burdening me by calling for a visit. I can understand their concern, and I appreciate that, but I am also so thankful they called.

As we continue in this time of transition, do not think we are too busy to visit, or to pray, or to talk. We are called to love Jesus by serving others. The staff and I are committed to carrying out this mission together with all of you. St. Paul reminds us that when one member of the body suffers, all suffer together, and when one rejoices, we all rejoice (1 Corinthians 12). So interrupt us. Let us know what is going on. Let us share in your joys and sorrows, and may we all be reminded of God's love and forgiveness in the midst of it all.


Pastor Charlie


  1. Thank YOU, Pastor Charlie, for taking interruptions in stride and spending time with anyone who needs to bend your ear, have a good laugh, receive some guidance or prayer.

  2. I like to think of Jesus' ministry riddled with these "Divine Interruptions." I think God gives us these opportunities to show His love. Keeping ourselves open to that call can be a challenge, but I just look at all the times Jesus was "interrupted" in His ministry and how He met each situation with grace and compassion.
    Thanks to Pastor Charlie for answering those calls!
