Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Natalie Rose Pearce

Natalie Rose Pearce was born on August 1, 2015 at 9:04 am. She weighed in at 6 pounds, 15.9 ounces (the doctor said let's just call it 7 pounds) and 19 inches long. She is beautiful! I am terribly biased being Natalie is our first grandchild, and we are loving every minute of it. Some rambling thoughts for you today.

Over the past few months, I have been told by many grandparents that there is nothing quite like being a grandparent. The love and joy you experience is beyond belief. I could not agree with them more. All of the joys of a newborn without all the responsibilities of parenthood are wrapped up in this bundle of joy.

My wife shared with my daughter about a week before Natalie was born these words: "You will finally understand how much I love you when you hold your own child in your arms." When we pray, Jesus tells us to begin by saying the words, "Abba, Father."  Daddy. We are held in the arms of our Father, and the love God has for us is of that of a loving parent.

The miracle of birth and the gift of life are amazing and powerful. How can one not believe in God the creator when one holds a newborn and counts the fingers and toes, sees the arms stretch and hear the voice cry. What an incredible gift. What an amazing miracle. And yet, it happens thousands of times each and every day. In fact, in the hospital Natalie was born, they have about 500 births a month!

I give thanks to God for the gifts of so many at the hospital who were at Natalie's side, and there with her parents throughout the birth and days that followed. I give thanks for the opportunity to be there too. God is good.

Here is a slideshow I put together of her first week.

Music - "Perfect Day" by Holley Maher and "Baby Mine" by Alison Krauss

Natalie Rose Pearce Week 1 from Charlie Woodward on Vimeo.

Pastor Charlie

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