Monday, March 23, 2015

A Caring Community and a Loving God

The story is told of the famous and saintly Mother Teresa of Calcutta who gave an interview during the last few years of her life that illustrates the point well. The reporter noted that religious orders in the west and many churches, for that matter, had been losing numbers. But the reporter also noted that Mother Teresa's order was growing by thousands, so she asks "Why?"

Mother Teresa answered without hesitation, "I give them Jesus."

"Yes, I know, but what strategies do you develop? How do you manage it?" asks the reporter.

"I give them Jesus" is the reply.

"Yes, I know, but can you be more specific?"

"I give them Jesus."

"Yes, we know of your fine work, but there must be something else," says the exasperated reporter."

I give them Jesus. There is nothing else."

This holy woman describes and defines the role, the purpose, and the mission of God's church. To present the love of God in real ways, to present Jesus as a human friend, companion, and guide. To do it in word, yes, but equally, if not more so, to do it in action.

A prime example of this is Epiphany's incredible outreach ministry called Operation Prom Dress. This year, over 170 girls were served by over 80 volunteers who welcomed them, loved on them, helped them find a dress, did up their hair and make-up, took pictures of them, offered food and beverages, and made sure they all knew that they were the reason we were here. One mother said to me, "What I love about this ministry is that there is more than enough." It was a great day, and a great opportunity to share God's love not just in word but in action.

Channel 2 - WDTN came out to do a story on the event. Pastor Jay and I stood behind the camera as they interviewed Tonya Johns, who is the coordinator of Operation Prom Dress. I had tears in my eyes when she told why we do what we do. 

A community that cares about them. A God who loves them.

That is what it means to be the church!

Pastor Charlie

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