On March 19th, the Call Committee met for the first time to start the process of calling our next Associate Pastor. I am very excited about this group, for I believe they will represent Epiphany well. There was energy and excitement in the air, and I heard them all speak of the hope they have for the future of Epiphany Lutheran Church.
We talked at length about the next steps in the process, answered questions about what they can expect in the coming weeks, and spent a good amount of the time getting to know one another. Pastor Tom Rutherford and I shared our experiences of working through the call process both as those being interviewed and also serving churches calling other pastors. We also have two members on this call committee that served on the committee when I was called here.
The next step in the process is to meet with Ed Williams, which will take place before you read this (March 26). Pastor Williams is Assistant to the Bishop in our synod, and will be working with us throughout the call process. He will walk the committee through the steps ahead and answer our questions. We will have some homework to do, especially putting together a congregation profile that tells about our church, our history, the community in which we are set, and our vision for the future. We will also begin preparing for interviews.
As we continue on the journey, I ask for you to pray for the committee and those we interview. May God bless the work, and may we listen to where God directs us.
Here are the call committee members.
Peace, Pastor Charlie
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