Monday, December 9, 2013


The first significant snowfall of the year came last Friday, as predicted. The coming storm was incentive for me to take care of an item on my "to do" list that kept being moved to later - getting the snow blower fixed! Our snow blower has served me well over the past few years, and I had the habit in our former neighborhood of using the machine on not just our sidewalk and drive, but the neighbors as well. There is a sense of accomplishment when you are clearing the snow. And maybe a bit of my "state up north" roots come into play - I enjoy being out in the snow.

Well, the old snow blower has blown its last snow - time for a new machine. I sent a message to my wife that the old machine was finished, and that a new snow blower was what we needed. She knew I wouldn't wait long to get a new one!  It is now in the garage, and worked well in clearing off the drive!

I am not the only one in the house that appreciates the snow. Our Golden Retriever Maggie LOVES the snow, and would spend all day playing in it, chasing snowballs through it, or laying on it for hours on end.

She will get frustrated with us when we won't come out and play with her. I put together a time lapse of the snow on our porch on Friday - eight hours of snow in 2 minutes. In the video you will see Maggie out and about a few times during the day!

The snow is beautiful, especially with the Christmas decorations. The lights shimmering off the snow and the decorations covering the displays add a wonderful dimension to the season. And I know there are many students and teachers who rejoiced at the news of the first snow day of the year!

Now I am well aware that not everyone enjoys the snow. I am aware that many really didn't care for the snow that caused their cars to go in unintended directions. There were a lot of fender-benders on Friday, making the beauty of the snow very difficult to appreciate. The snow caused many to change plans or cancel activities. And there are those who have inadequate shelter or no shelter at all, and the cold and wet weather makes things that much more difficult and unbearable.

Whether you like it or not, snow happens (at least here in the climate in which we live). We can watch the weather, check the radar, pray for snow or no snow, do a snow day ritual (our kids used to have a ritual for hopefully guaranteeing a snow day - pajamas inside out and backwards, an ice cube on the porch, and a snow day dance), and many other things. God only knows what affect these might have on the weather. And yet, it comes.

There is a wonderful balance God has given us - the warmth of summer, the dry days and wet rains, the beauty of the seasons. And there are times of severe weather and times of drought. There are times of extreme heat and bitter cold. Whether we like it or not! But God is good. The creation will lay dormant for the coming months, and will once again bring forth new life in the spring. Of this we can be assured. So if you don't care for the snow - know that it will not last forever. I know that I will not make those who hate the snow lovers of the white stuff by my words. But may we find beauty in the creation God has given us.

Anyone need their driveway cleared? 


Pastor Charlie

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