For me, the greatest part of it all was experiencing the places where Jesus walked, as well as the tribes of Israel, Peter and Paul, and so many more. The rich history is overwhelming, and the sites are spectacular. The scripture came alive for me in seeing the walls of Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Dead Sea and so much more. Every day was a new adventure. So many memories, and so many pictures!
In the coming weeks (my entries here for August), I want to share some of those memories with you. I will add some pictures as well, so you can get a glimpse of what we saw. I will share with you our journeys in the rolling hills and farmland of northern Israel, the deserted wilderness of the area around the Dead Sea, and the splendor of Jerusalem, old and new.
I have an ulterior motive here - I plan to go again, and I encourage you to consider joining me. A journey to the Holy Land is a spiritual Pilgrimage that every Christian should make at least once in a lifetime. There the Bible comes alive with names and events we have been hearing about all our lives. It brings a new richness as we walk where Jesus walked. And to share this spiritual experience with others is an even more enriching indeed. It creates a unique fellowship. It is a journey that is to be treasured forever.
The trip is scheduled for October 28th through November 6, 2014.
Questions you may ask:
Is it safe?
I was surprised how safe it was. We never felt we were in an unsafe place. I realized after a short time there that this is not a deserted land, but a place where people live and work and play every day. There is plenty of security everywhere you go, and the tour guides are in constant communications with the Israeli officials, so any areas that are of concern are avoided.
Is there a lot of walking?
I am not going to lie - there is a good bit of walking, but I never felt exhausted or overly strained when we finished each day.
What do I need to travel to Israel?
A passport is needed. No other documents, no additional shots, etc. There are plenty of stores to buy whatever you might forget. A water bottle is a must, so you don't get dehydrated.
How long of a flight is it?
The flight from New York is about 10 hours.
Will we be with other groups?
Most likely we will. This was a joy on our trip to meet people from other parts of the country who are members of various denominations.
Who will lead the tour?
The tour group I will be using is called Nawas Travel. Many of my colleagues have used this group with great success. We will have a local guide who is licensed by Israel to serve as a guide.
What is the weather like?
A bit warmer than we have here in early November. Depending on where we are traveling, the temperature can vary from low 60's to mid 80's.
What is the food like?
Very good - a lot of fresh produce. There will be many opportunities to try the local fare, as well as our fix of Western food as well. Breakfast and Dinner is provided each day as part of the tour.
Do they speak English in Israel?
Yes. Although it is not their first language, we had no trouble with language barriers.
How well do I need to know my Bible?
Not to worry. Whether you are a Bible scholar or don't know where you last put your Bible, you will be just fine. I plan to lead some Bible studies before we go to prepare the group for the trip.
If you are interested in finding out more about the trip, let me know and I will forward information to you.
Pastor Charlie
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