Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Creatures of Habit

So how did your day begin? I would venture a guess to say it was probably pretty similar to how yesterday began, and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day...  We are creatures of habit. After waking up and taking care of business, so to speak, it's time to let the dog out of her crate, walk with her to the back door so she can do HER business. Then she comes inside and stretches - it looks like she is bowing down to worship the dish where her food will soon be. I put half of her breakfast into the bowl and place it on the floor. While she eats that, I get my orange juice and granola bar. Then I give the dog the second half of her food. And so it goes. Really, it doesn't get any more exciting as the morning goes on, so I will stop the illustration here.

We are creatures of habit. We often park in the same space at work, have a routine of what to do when we enter the office, have a set time and place for breaks and meals. We listen to the same programs, read the same articles, blogs or newspapers, watch the same shows. We get into a routine and we like to follow it. I know there are many parents who are excited to have their kids back in school for MANY reasons, but often mentioned (and I remember it was true in our house as well when the kids were younger) is that it will be good to get back into a routine.

Of course, this happens in church, too. You all have assigned seats, and you know it. Now I know there are some radicals out there who like to sit in different places each week, but isn't that a routine as well? I will tell you I appreciate that you have your assigned seats, because the better I get to know you, the easier it is to take attendance! When I preach a sermon five times on a weekend, I have it down pretty well, so I can take time to look at you, while you are looking at me, or reading the bulletin, or checking for cracks in the eyelids. In fact, I can tell when someone comes into church before a service and I see that someone else is already in their spot - I linger to see what they are going to do. Hopefully we are gracious and welcoming. And as a side note, if that ever happens, there are some GREAT seats up front available - you can see what's going on, and you will be guaranteed to be first in line for communion!

I remember from my high school psychology class that habits are important for us to form for they help us in function each day without the necessity of thinking about every detail and decision. Since we have a habit or routine, those decisions are already made for us. We can focus on the other details, and find comfort in the routine.

As we gear up for another season of football, we will be following routines and habits as fans cheering on our teams. There may be routines you follow on game day - pulling out your Buckeye gear for the day, preparing to watch the game in your favorite seat with your favorite food. For many of us there is a routine. And if you were to attend a game, you would find that there are routines you are encouraged to follow. When to stand, when to take off your hat, when to spell O-H-I-O with your arms, and the liturgy of the fans. You know it - when you hear, "O-H" please respond "I-O."  In Massillon, Ohio where I first served at St. Paul Lutheran, the High School Massillon Tigers are a big thing. And when you hear "T-I-G" the correct response is "E-R-S." There is a routine. We expect it, and we appreciate it. And when someone new arrives, we encourage them to follow along.

And so it is with the church. We have a set pattern, a flow, a routine. At Epiphany Lutheran Church, it is the simple pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal and Sending. This pattern is the same no matter which service you attend. We gather in the name of God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We confess our sins, and we celebrate our reconciliation with God and others. We hear the Word of God in scripture and song and sermon. We offer thanks to God in response to this good news, and receive God's offering to us in the meal - the body and blood of Jesus in, with and under the bread and wine. We sing praises to God and are sent out serve the Lord. I believe this habit and routine is important, for it allows us to focus on the message. In our familiar seat, with a familiar flow, our hearts and minds can focus on God.

Instead of kicking the habit, embrace it. There is peace and comfort in the routine. What are some habits you might consider adding to your routine to let God speak to you each day?


Pastor Charlie

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