This past Sunday, I shared this illustration in my sermon. It isn't plagiarism when you are the one who wrote it in the first place, is it? I thought I would share it for this week's post!
Not so many years ago, a group of people decided they wanted to buy a bus, a bus that would take them on a journey. While the destination was important, also important was the journey itself. You see, they desired to take a journey with Jesus, a journey they were invited to take when they were baptized. These people were looking for a bus to ride on, not just by themselves, but also their families, so they could raise their children on this bus and invite others to climb on as well. The bus was given the name Epiphany!
The journey began, a journey with Jesus. And a journey with Jesus is one that provides a life full of hope, a sense of purpose, a place of forgiveness and grace, and a promise that this journey never ends. Along the journey, the bus not only serves those on it, but is equipped to serve others along the way.
Yes, the journey began, and over the years, the bus has been modified, changed, overhauled and expanded to meet the needs of those who have jumped on for the ride, and to meet the needs of those the bus-riders are called serve. And there have been several drivers along the way.
A few years back, the bus came to the stop at a crossroads, and the question asked, “Which way should we go?” The road map was opened and reviewed and studied. That should make it easy, yes? But there was a disagreement about how one ought to interpret the map. Some in the group saw it one way, and others in the group saw it another way. In the end, there were some who did not agree with the direction the bus was going, and so they got off and climbed on other buses.
And so it came to pass that the Epiphany bus was in need of a driver. It took a while but finally, a new driver got on board. When the driver got on the bus, he heard over and over and over again, “We are so glad you are here.” While in the parking lot, we got on the bus, took some time to get to know our fellow bus-riders, and we checked out the bus.
Yes, the people are glad the driver is here, and the driver is glad to be called to be the driver. But the bus was not built to sit in the parking lot and look pretty. This bus is designed to move forward. And so we do move forward, always mindful of the map that directs us. Each week we hear and focus on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, reminding us of God’s great love for us, and telling us that when get off on the wrong path, God’s love and forgiveness gives us the grace to recalculate our route, and get back on track.
As the one called to be the driver of this bus, I want to emphasize that what I intend to do is that which I believe God is calling me to do. Through prayer and study of God’s word and through constant discussion with staff and leaders and members of the Epiphany bus - I will be faithful to this calling to lead us out of the parking lot and forward into God’s desired future for us. Loving Jesus by serving others, and raising our children to do the same.
I am excited about the future of Epiphany Lutheran Church.
- We are a growing church, with 11 new families, and several baptisms this fall.
- We are a church focused on outreach – The Pantry, Operation Prom Dress, Storybook, Interfaith Hospitality, Global Missions, Project Blessing, Operation Christmas Child, Adopt A Family, Drama and Puppet Ministry, plus support of Lutheran World Relief and various campaigns, including most recently the Malaria campaign, reaching our goal of over $2000.
- We are a church that gathers to worship – Music Ministry, Praise Bands, Choirs, Quality Worship, Gospel-focused sermons
- We are a church that welcomes the children – we have a fantastic Preschool and Daycare program that serves over 100 children each week – a great entrance into the church for children and families
- We are a church that values our youth, and provides a Youth Ministry program that is theologically sound and outrageously fun
- We are blessed that we have raised up leaders for the church, including Sean Barrett, who was ordained here earlier this year.
- We have re-established the small groups ministries and hope to add more groups next year.
- We are a church that has an incredible staff who love Jesus and are committed to serving others
We are a church that is moving forward.
- We are dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in everything we do!
- We have dedicated pastors serving our two campuses as one congregation, who model hospitality and welcome
- We are dedicated to Family Ministry, and through a generous bequest, we will add a new Children’s Ministry position beginning in in 2015
- We are dedicated to quality, authentic worship, and will add to that a new praise band leader starting tomorrow – John-Philip Fultz.
- We will also be adding a second service - a traditional worship service - at the Austin campus in 2015.
- We are dedicated to outreach, both locally and globally.
- We are dedicated to education opportunities for all
You see, here on the bus, we are constantly hearing the message of Jesus Christ. And the good news is that God is with us on the bus! (You see, I am not really the driver). The more we know who Jesus is and spend time with Jesus, and sit at the feet of Jesus, and come to understand what God has done for us in Jesus Christ, then when the time comes for the bridegroom to return, we will be ready. For we have been on HIS bus, and know that the journey ahead is in God’s hands.
Oh yes, there will be work to do, but this is the work we were made for – serving God as you have been equipped. Know there is place on this bus for you. This is a bus where your family can grow together. And know this –there are seats on the bus available so that you can invite others to climb on board. This is a bus where all are welcomed.
It is time to move forward once again. I invite you to get on board, and enjoy the ride.
Pastor Charlie