Later Sunday, after church was done, I joined in with many others to build the set for our upcoming musical, "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." It was my first experience in this process, and what a process it was. There were power tools and saws hard at work, things to be moved out of closets, dark covers to be hung on the windows, props to be made, and a lot of people to make it happen. Besides doing my best "Tim the Toolman Taylor" imitation with the power drill, I took a few pictures. More on that later. What struck me about the process was the organization that went into it. There was a lot to do, and I believe everyone there felt they belonged.
This isn't evident only in the building of the set, but the whole drama ministry that has developed over the past 20 years at Epiphany Lutheran Church. I never had the privilege of meeting Kay Wean, but I am benefitting from her legacy and vision. From what I understand, Kay found a place for every person who tried out for a drama under her direction. That continues today. This sometimes meant splitting some parts, adding a new character and double casting many roles in the shows. Everyone belongs. Kay passed away two years ago after a battle with cancer, but what she established continues.
Kay's daughters have taken the lead directing shows here at Epiphany this past year - Kandis did a phenomenal job leading the Children's Christmas Program, and Megan is directing Joseph with great energy and joy. I believe neither of them are trying to be just like Mom, but they are using the gifts given them by God and nurtured by Mom and others to carry forward. They are not alone. I see Kay's fingerprints on many who are a part of this ministry. Many belong because they were encouraged to belong.
The wonderful thing about the body of Christ is that we are all members, yet unique in our gifts. The musical talent, the vision of the set design, the technical team that work lights and sound, the costume creators, the publicity and marketing team, the production team, the drama ministry team, and, of course, the cast and crew all have a part to play. All belong.
As we were finishing up the stage, one of the young boys from the cast who was helping his dad build the stage all of the sudden realized that he was going to be on that stage for the show. After several weeks of practicing on floors marked with tape, now there is a stage. His eyes lit up as he looked at the stage and he asked me, "Are we going to be up there?" I told him he would. He asked, "Can I walk on it?"
"Yes. Yes you can." He was, and IS so excited. He feels he belongs. I can't wait to see him in the show, along with all the others.
Children of God using their gifts. That's what it's all about. One gift I received I had the opportunity to use on Sunday. The gift is a timer for my camera - a Fathers Day gift from my kids. With it, I can set up my camera to take a picture every few seconds, minutes or hours. I used it to take some 2100 pictures Sunday (one every six seconds) to put together a time lapsed video of the process. Enjoy.
Thanks to all of you for making Lisa and me feel WE belong.
Pastor Charlie